Dragon Wood
Code w/o label H 098
Weight app. 0,1-4,0 kg (10-80 cm / piece)
Code with label
  • PH 098-S
  • PH 098-M
  • PH 098-L
  • PH 098-XL
  • EH 098
Weight by label
  • 0,1-0,25
  • 0,35-0,6
  • 0,7-1,3
  • 1,5-2,5
  • 10-80 cm
Usage Fresh Water / Terrarium
Bulk weight 250 kg / m³
Characteristics Partly sinking type. Gives little color.

Unusual decorative wood with a perforated structure. The partly
superficial, partly continuous holes convey a lightness that
contrasts with the heaviness of the wood. This tension gives rise
to the uniqueness of these very special aquarium woods.
